What is arpa chain

What is arpa chain

ARPA Chain (ARPA) is an Ethereum token that drives the ARPA Chain computing network, which allows for privacy-preserving smart contracts, data storage, and scalable off-chain transactions. The ARPA token can be used to pay for data and computation as well as to regulate the network's destiny.

Privacy is a top goal among the many ways blockchain technology intends to enhance the internet. As Layer-1 networks like Ethereum have begun to establish the framework for a better online, a new generation of platforms and businesses is developing to solve particular internet issues. ARPA Chain is a Layer-2 scaling solution that helps you get the most out of top blockchain networks while better protecting our privacy. Most blockchain networks can establish on-chain consensus by checking network actions using a network of nodes working together. This architecture is very safe and comprehensive, but it may slow transaction processing and limit protocol scalability. Layer-2 computing, also known as off-chain computation, solves this issue through a variety of ways that shift transactions to a secondary chain for more efficient calculation. ARPA's Layer-2 scaling platform uses privacy-preserving Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) for high-security, cryptographically verified data exchange between several parties.

The ARPA Layer-2 solution uses Secure Multi-Party Computation to safeguard and validate transactions while boosting transaction processing speeds for almost any blockchain network. According to ARPA, SMPC is more advanced in terms of privacy protection than other technologies such as homomorphic encryption (HE), zk-SNARKs, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), and Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). For a wide range of real-world applications, SMPC provides benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, trust, and practical efficiency. ARPA Chain does this by utilizing numerous key design characteristics.

ARPA consists of dual-tiered structure and two separate layers, as well as other main components:

-        Computation layer: The computation layer is especially intended to allow ARPA nodes to do multi-party computation collectively. The computing layer is used to cryptographically verify and validate the integrity of all platform processes. This layer also collaborates with the protocol layer to penalize malicious nodes and reward good behaviour with ARPA tokens.

-        Protocol layer: The protocol layer serves as the ARPA network's basis. It functions decentralized and permissionless, allowing nodes to join unilaterally. It also allows for the exchange of processing capacity for ARPA token incentives. Furthermore, the protocol layer assists the computation layer in organizing multi-party computation and records all network node activity to restrict harmful conduct.

-        Proof of correctness: Proof of Correctness functions similarly to Proof of Work (PoW). On PoW blockchains, all nodes often contribute to consensus.

-        Proof of computation: Proof of Computation is in charge of tracking the amount of computation that nodes on the network accomplish.

-        Proof of secureness: Proof of Secureness is used to validate computations performed off-chain via Trusted Execution Environments.

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