NaslovnicaKripto za početnikeWhat is short squeeze

What is short squeeze

What is short squeeze

A short squeeze is caused by a large number of traders shorting an asset or market at the same time.

Going short against a market or asset may be advantageous, especially in negative situations. Even if it may not always appear so, bear markets might provide profitable chances for those who are willing to follow the trend. Under these conditions, short selling becomes a viable alternative. Short selling has the advantage of causing a short squeeze, which is a quick price spike that "traps" short sellers. A short squeeze, as the name implies, is frequently brief, and the downturn resumes quickly thereafter. It is, nonetheless, one of the more exciting market occurrences to see. It is also worth mentioning that traders might profit from such short squeezes by starting a long position at the proper time.

Short squeezes can occur in any financial market once the price of an asset rises dramatically. Short sellers will be forced to exit their positions or risk losing their whole portfolio if this occurs. Short squeezes are rather common; however, they can be difficult to forecast.

Short sellers' goal is straightforward: follow a negative price trend and hope it continues to decline. They can use a variety of tools and methodologies, including technical analysis, to assess the viability of that strategy. However, if prices rise, their short positions will result in an unrealized loss. Short sellers are better off liquidating their positions using stop-loss triggers or liquidations for margin and futures trading if this loss grows too large.

When a large number of short positions are closed in a short period of time, the asset's price is likely to rise significantly. As a result, a price surge will ensue, representing the short squeeze. When shorts close positions, an increasing number of buy orders will be placed to acquire the asset. A short squeeze is frequently accompanied by a considerable spike in temporary trading volume. The short interest in play at any particular time is one issue to consider. As the amount of interest increases, it will be simpler to "trap" short-sellers and compel positions to be closed. The volatility will rise exponentially as more liquidity is trapped. There will always be a point when demand exceeds supply, resulting in a temporary squeeze.

While most people would think of short squeezes in the bitcoin business, there are more examples in the stock market. The number of short positions increases if a firm has bad sentiment despite retaining a high price. If there is good news or an announcement, all short holdings are at danger of being liquidated. As a result, enormous purchasing occurred, causing the stock price to rise and causing a short squeeze.

Some equities attract more short sellers than others. Tesla and, more lately, Gamestop are two such equities that appear to be highly coveted. It is one of the most shorted stocks in history, if not the most shorted stock in history. Their prices have witnessed extremely high peaks and much higher lows, resulting in a number of possible short squeezes.

If we return to cryptocurrency, as soon as Bitcoin or Ethereum prices rise, there will be some rooting for a sudden drop. Furthermore, the use of derivatives and high leverage makes shorting Bitcoin more enticing. Even slight price fluctuations, however, have the potential to trap short sellers. This industry is prone to both short and protracted squeezes. Overleveraging can be detrimental to one's portfolio.

Provjerite ostale razine

Koristimo kolačiće za pohranu, pristup i obradu osobnih podataka kako bismo vam pružili najbolje online iskustvo. Klikom na Prihvati kolačiće pristajete na pohranu svih kolačića i osiguravate najbolje moguće djelovanje internetske stranice. Možete promijeniti postavke kolačića ili povući privolu klikom na Postavke kolačića. Da biste saznali više o kolačićima i svrhama, pročitajte Politika kolačića and Politika privatnosti

Postavke kolačića

Kontrola kolačića

Što su kolačići?

Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje omogućuju nama i našoj usluzi jedinstvenu identifikaciju vašeg preglednika ili uređaja. Kolačići obično rade tako da vašem uređaju dodijele jedinstveni broj i na vašem ih pregledniku pohranjuju internetske stranice koje posjećujete, kao i treći pružatelji usluga za te internetske stranice. Pod pojmom kolačići treba uzeti u obzir druge tehnologije kao što su SDK-ovi, pikseli i lokalno pohranjivanje.

Ako je omogućeno

Možemo vas prepoznati kao klijenta što omogućava prilagođene usluge, sadržaj i oglašavanje, učinkovitost usluga i prepoznavanje uređaja za veću sigurnost
Možemo poboljšati vaše iskustvo na temelju vaše prethodne sesije
Možemo pratiti vaše preferencije i personalizirati usluge
Možemo poboljšati performanse internetske stranice.

Ako je onemogućeno

Nećemo moći zapamtiti vaše prethodne sesije, što će nam onemogućiti da internetsku stranicu prilagodimo vašim željama
Neke značajke možda neće biti dostupne i korisničko iskustvo bez kolačića će biti lošije

Strogo nužno znači da se osnovne funkcije internetske stranice neće aktivirati bez njihove upotrebe. Budući da su ovi kolačići ključni za pravilan rad i sigurnost usluga internetskog mjesta, ne možete odustati od korištenja ovih tehnologija. I dalje ih možete blokirati u svom pregledniku, ali to može uzrokovati greške u djelovanju osnovnih funkcija internetske stranice.

  • Postavljanje zaštite privatnosti
  • Sigurna prijava
  • Sigurna veza tijekom korištenja usluga
  • Ispunjavanje obrazaca

Analitika i tehnologije praćenja performansi za analizu načina na koji koristite internetsku stranicu.

  • Najgledanije stranice
  • Interakcija sa sadržajem
  • Analiza grešaka
  • Ispitivanje i mjerenje različitih učinkovitosti dizajna

Internetska stranica može koristiti tehnologije trećih strana za oglašavanje i marketing.

  • Promoviranje naših usluga na drugim platformama i internetskim stranicama
  • Mjerenje učinkovitosti naših kampanja