NaslovnicaKripto za početnikeWhat is non-fungible token (NFT)?

What is non-fungible token (NFT)?

What is non-fungible token (NFT)?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based cryptographic assets having unique identifying codes and metadata that separate them from one another. They cannot be traded or exchanged for equivalency, unlike cryptocurrencies. This contrasts with fungible tokens, such as cryptocurrencies, which are identical to one another and hence can be used as a means of exchange. Each NFT's unique construction allows for a variety of applications. They're a great way to digitally represent actual things like real estate and artwork, for example. NFTs can also be used to eliminate intermediaries and link artists with audiences or for identity management because they are based on blockchains. NFTs can eliminate middlemen, streamline transactions, and open up new markets.

Cryptocurrencies, like actual money, are fungible, which means they may be sold or exchanged for one another. One bitcoin, for example, is always worth the same as another bitcoin. A single unit of ether is always equivalent to another unit of ether. Cryptocurrencies are suited as a safe means of transaction in the digital economy because of their fungibility. NFTs change the crypto paradigm by making each token one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable, making it impossible to compare two non-fungible tokens. They are digital representations of assets that have been compared to digital passports since each token has its own unique, non-transferable identity that allows it to be distinguished from others. They're also extendable, which means you can "breed" a third NFT by combining two of them.

NFTs, like Bitcoin, provide ownership data that make it straightforward to identify and transfer tokens between holders. In NFTs, owners can additionally add metadata or attributes related to the asset. Fair trade tokens, for example, can be used to represent coffee beans. Artists can also sign their digital artwork in the metadata with their own signature. The ERC-721 standard gave birth to NFTs. ERC-721 defines the basic interface—ownership details, security, and metadata—required for the exchange and distribution of gaming tokens. It was created by some of the same people that created the ERC-20 smart contract. The ERC-1155 standard expands on this notion by lowering transaction and storage costs for non-fungible tokens and combining different types of non-fungible tokens into a single contract.

Cryptokitties are maybe the most well-known application of NFTs. Cryptokitties, which were first introduced in November 2017, are digital representations of cats that have unique identifiers on the Ethereum blockchain. Each kitten is one-of-a-kind and has a monetary value in ether. They breed amongst themselves, producing new offspring with distinct characteristics and values than their parents. Cryptokitties attracted a fan base that spent $20 million in ether to buy, feed, and care for them just a few weeks after their inception. Some devotees spent upwards of $100,000 on the project. The Bored Ape Yacht Club has recently attracted controversy due to its exorbitant rates, celebrity clientele, and high-profile thefts of some of its 10,000 NFTs.

The costliest NFT ever created is called Everydays – The First 5000 days, which was sold for 69.3 million dollars in March 2021. It is also the reason, that cause boom of NFT sales.

Provjerite ostale razine

Koristimo kolačiće za pohranu, pristup i obradu osobnih podataka kako bismo vam pružili najbolje online iskustvo. Klikom na Prihvati kolačiće pristajete na pohranu svih kolačića i osiguravate najbolje moguće djelovanje internetske stranice. Možete promijeniti postavke kolačića ili povući privolu klikom na Postavke kolačića. Da biste saznali više o kolačićima i svrhama, pročitajte Politika kolačića and Politika privatnosti

Postavke kolačića

Kontrola kolačića

Što su kolačići?

Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje omogućuju nama i našoj usluzi jedinstvenu identifikaciju vašeg preglednika ili uređaja. Kolačići obično rade tako da vašem uređaju dodijele jedinstveni broj i na vašem ih pregledniku pohranjuju internetske stranice koje posjećujete, kao i treći pružatelji usluga za te internetske stranice. Pod pojmom kolačići treba uzeti u obzir druge tehnologije kao što su SDK-ovi, pikseli i lokalno pohranjivanje.

Ako je omogućeno

Možemo vas prepoznati kao klijenta što omogućava prilagođene usluge, sadržaj i oglašavanje, učinkovitost usluga i prepoznavanje uređaja za veću sigurnost
Možemo poboljšati vaše iskustvo na temelju vaše prethodne sesije
Možemo pratiti vaše preferencije i personalizirati usluge
Možemo poboljšati performanse internetske stranice.

Ako je onemogućeno

Nećemo moći zapamtiti vaše prethodne sesije, što će nam onemogućiti da internetsku stranicu prilagodimo vašim željama
Neke značajke možda neće biti dostupne i korisničko iskustvo bez kolačića će biti lošije

Strogo nužno znači da se osnovne funkcije internetske stranice neće aktivirati bez njihove upotrebe. Budući da su ovi kolačići ključni za pravilan rad i sigurnost usluga internetskog mjesta, ne možete odustati od korištenja ovih tehnologija. I dalje ih možete blokirati u svom pregledniku, ali to može uzrokovati greške u djelovanju osnovnih funkcija internetske stranice.

  • Postavljanje zaštite privatnosti
  • Sigurna prijava
  • Sigurna veza tijekom korištenja usluga
  • Ispunjavanje obrazaca

Analitika i tehnologije praćenja performansi za analizu načina na koji koristite internetsku stranicu.

  • Najgledanije stranice
  • Interakcija sa sadržajem
  • Analiza grešaka
  • Ispitivanje i mjerenje različitih učinkovitosti dizajna

Internetska stranica može koristiti tehnologije trećih strana za oglašavanje i marketing.

  • Promoviranje naših usluga na drugim platformama i internetskim stranicama
  • Mjerenje učinkovitosti naših kampanja