NaslovnicaKripto za početnikeWhat is pump and dump

What is pump and dump

What is pump and dump

Pump-and-dump schemes have existed since the beginning of the securities market. The concept is that when the price of a traded asset is low, a person or group of individuals buys into it. They then begin spreading favourable information about the item. Most of the time, the good news is absolutely manipulative. The price of the asset continues to rise as more investors buy into it. Once the price has been sufficiently "pumped," the scam's creator sells or “dumps” their interest to the remaining traders. Because they possess a large majority of the outstanding shares, the price plummets.

Pump-and-dump scams are a type of a fraud. The scheme's creators want to defraud unsuspecting investors by enticing them to purchase an asset based on misleading information. When those investors buy in, the pumper sells, thus driving down the price. As a consequence, the fraudster makes a lot of money while the victims lose a lot of money. In the securities market, there are a variety of rules that make this unlawful. It is illegal to gain money or property by means of any incorrect statement of a material fact or any failure to state a material truth.

Cryptocurrency market is especially vulnerable to it, because it is not regulated. Typically, a pump-and-dump cryptocurrency operation begins with an organizer forming a secret online club of influencers. To avoid price surges, they'll coordinate buying the target crypto asset. The influencers will publish information about the deal with their followers on social media whenever they're ready to inflate the asset and persuade the wider public to buy in. The organizers will then plan the sale, such as the dump, to ensure that everyone is paid, leaving the public investors carrying the bag.

The fact that organizers don't have to look hard for lightly traded crypto assets makes crypto particularly vulnerable to this practice. They may just make them. The only need for generating a new cryptocurrency is some basic research and coding skills.

A pump-and-dump crypto fraud is easy to spot. When the rug is pulled out from under bitcoin investors, however, they are left holding the bag. It pays for investors to recognize the warning indications of a possible pump-and-dump scheme before it occurs.

Doing your homework is the first step in avoiding a pump-and-dump scheme. Don't jump in if you see a relatively obscure coin being promoted by online strangers. Look up the token and read the white paper it came with. Figure out who's behind it and what their goals are. You should do this for each cryptocurrency to see if it has the potential to rise in value over time.

It's better to avoid a token that has been there for a long time but work on the project appears to have stopped. If the initiative has no clear objective, claims unrealistic advantages, has a well-thought-out development path, or is linked to prior bad actors, these are all warning signs.

Manipulation of market has been around for long time. The biggest recent manipulation like that was on stock markets – Game Stop. Many retail investors and fans of the Game Stop company agreed on Reddit, social platform, that they will buy the stock at the same time and thus caused it to skyrocket. Because the stock was mostly shorted, many hedge funds were in a big loss.

Provjerite ostale razine

Koristimo kolačiće za pohranu, pristup i obradu osobnih podataka kako bismo vam pružili najbolje online iskustvo. Klikom na Prihvati kolačiće pristajete na pohranu svih kolačića i osiguravate najbolje moguće djelovanje internetske stranice. Možete promijeniti postavke kolačića ili povući privolu klikom na Postavke kolačića. Da biste saznali više o kolačićima i svrhama, pročitajte Politika kolačića and Politika privatnosti

Postavke kolačića

Kontrola kolačića

Što su kolačići?

Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje omogućuju nama i našoj usluzi jedinstvenu identifikaciju vašeg preglednika ili uređaja. Kolačići obično rade tako da vašem uređaju dodijele jedinstveni broj i na vašem ih pregledniku pohranjuju internetske stranice koje posjećujete, kao i treći pružatelji usluga za te internetske stranice. Pod pojmom kolačići treba uzeti u obzir druge tehnologije kao što su SDK-ovi, pikseli i lokalno pohranjivanje.

Ako je omogućeno

Možemo vas prepoznati kao klijenta što omogućava prilagođene usluge, sadržaj i oglašavanje, učinkovitost usluga i prepoznavanje uređaja za veću sigurnost
Možemo poboljšati vaše iskustvo na temelju vaše prethodne sesije
Možemo pratiti vaše preferencije i personalizirati usluge
Možemo poboljšati performanse internetske stranice.

Ako je onemogućeno

Nećemo moći zapamtiti vaše prethodne sesije, što će nam onemogućiti da internetsku stranicu prilagodimo vašim željama
Neke značajke možda neće biti dostupne i korisničko iskustvo bez kolačića će biti lošije

Strogo nužno znači da se osnovne funkcije internetske stranice neće aktivirati bez njihove upotrebe. Budući da su ovi kolačići ključni za pravilan rad i sigurnost usluga internetskog mjesta, ne možete odustati od korištenja ovih tehnologija. I dalje ih možete blokirati u svom pregledniku, ali to može uzrokovati greške u djelovanju osnovnih funkcija internetske stranice.

  • Postavljanje zaštite privatnosti
  • Sigurna prijava
  • Sigurna veza tijekom korištenja usluga
  • Ispunjavanje obrazaca

Analitika i tehnologije praćenja performansi za analizu načina na koji koristite internetsku stranicu.

  • Najgledanije stranice
  • Interakcija sa sadržajem
  • Analiza grešaka
  • Ispitivanje i mjerenje različitih učinkovitosti dizajna

Internetska stranica može koristiti tehnologije trećih strana za oglašavanje i marketing.

  • Promoviranje naših usluga na drugim platformama i internetskim stranicama
  • Mjerenje učinkovitosti naših kampanja