What is Bitcoin ATM

What is Bitcoin ATM

Tiền điện tử cho người mới bắt đầu

A Bitcoin ATM is a self-contained machine that accepts fiat cash and exchanges it for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. The internet-connected kiosks let users to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies without going via a regular banking institution.

While the devices look like typical bank ATMs, they do not work in the same way. A typical ATM will link to your bank account in order to approve cash withdrawals. To buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, many Bitcoin ATM machines only accept cash deposits. You may be able to exchange Bitcoin for fiat currency and supply cash using newer devices. A Bitcoin ATM can take anything from 10 minutes to an hour to conduct a transaction, whereas standard ATMs can process transactions in seconds. All Bitcoin ATM operators in the United States must register with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and follow the Bank Secrecy Act's anti-money laundering rules. This implies severe limits on how much cash users may deposit and how many transactions they can conduct, among other things. Users who make large transactions will be required to authenticate their identification using a government-issued ID and may be asked for further information.

Using a Bitcoin ATM is rather simple. A Bitcoin ATM will most likely ask for your phone number first. That phone number is used to identify you and record your transaction. To continue, you'll get a verification code through SMS that you must input.

After that, you'll enter the address of your blockchain wallet. Most mobile wallets will create a QR code for you, which is the simplest way to input your address. Make sure you're using a wallet designed exclusively for the cryptocurrency you're buying. After the trade, the Bitcoin ATM will deliver your cryptocurrency to this address.

You can now insert your money into the machine. The machine will tell you how much you've put in and how much you can get in bitcoin for it. If the rate is satisfactory, you may proceed with the transaction by pressing a button. It may produce a transaction receipt, but the transaction isn't necessarily complete. A transaction in Bitcoin requires six confirmations on the blockchain, which can take up to an hour. The bitcoin will be placed in your wallet after the transaction is completed.

Unlike traditional bank ATMs, which may charge a tiny flat fee for utilizing an out-of-network ATM, Bitcoin ATMs charge a % of the transaction's value. And the costs are pretty expensive. To acquire Bitcoin, most Bitcoin ATMs impose a fee of between 9% and 12%. However, you could come across costs as little as 4% and as high as 20%. On transactions in highly liquid currencies like Bitcoin, many online cryptocurrency exchanges will charge less than 1.5 percent. That means that high and expensive fees are one of the disadvantages of using Bitcoin ATM.

Besides this, there is also a limit how much you can deposit, and they are more rare than traditional ATM’s.

When we talk about advantages, we can point out that it’s often faster procedure to buy crypto through ATMs like that, than to deposit money to your bank, then to an exchange and buy from there. They can also offer more privacy.

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