HomeCrypto for BeginnersWhat are bull and bear markets

What are bull and bear markets

What are bull and bear markets

During a bear market, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in crypto prices, you may expect low investor confidence and a feeling that the market is hazardous. A bull market, defined as a continuous rise in crypto prices, is likely to be characterized by high investor confidence and a view of a robust economic situation. A bear market, on the other hand, is defined as any cryptocurrency that has fallen 20% or more from its recent highs. A bull market, on the other hand, often climbs 20% from previous bear market lows to reach new highs.

As an investor, you can see how understanding these two possibilities is critical to deciding what to do with your money. During a bear market, investors are inclined to sell their investments in order to avoid losing even more money. In contrast, investors in a bull market may sell part of their assets for a good profit or keep on in the expectation that prices may rise even more in the future.

The way you make financial decisions differs substantially due to the various variables between bull and bear markets. In a bull market, when there is more possibility for larger returns, a higher asset allocation is optimum. Buying equities early in a bull market and selling them before they reach their peak is one strategy to profit from increasing prices. In a bear market, where losses are more likely, investing in equities should be done with extreme caution, since you are likely to lose money – at least initially.

Financial planning is another strategy to prepare for rising and falling markets. Making a solid strategy with a financial advisor can help you avoid one of the most common pitfalls for investors: making financial decisions based on emotion. In bull markets, for example, you may have recency bias, believing that the market will continue to climb and thus be prepared to take more risk than is wise. In a falling market, on the other hand, you may act on fear and make reckless judgments, such as exiting the market or shorting position in inappropriate time.

While it is critical to understand market direction, it is extremely difficult to anticipate when a bull market will turn into a bear market. Long-term strategic asset allocation has shown to be the most effective technique for controlling market fluctuations over time. Working with a financial advisor to build a diversified investment portfolio can help you weather volatile markets, avoid the near-impossible challenge of market time, and make reasonable — rather than emotional — investing decisions.

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