NaslovnicaKripto za profesionalceWhat is a blockchain fork?

What is a blockchain fork?

What is a blockchain fork?

Forks in the blockchain network are essentially a split in the network. The network is open-source software, and the source code is accessible for download. This means that anyone can make changes to the code and submit improvements. The ability to experiment with open-source software is a key feature of cryptocurrencies, and it also helps with blockchain software updates. When the software of separate miners becomes out of sync, forks occur. Miners must choose which blockchain to use in the future. If there isn't a majority conclusion, two copies of the blockchain may be created. Around such occasions, there may be periods of higher price volatility.

Forks work by making changes to the blockchain's software protocol. They're frequently linked to the generation of new tokens. The most common method for producing new coins is to start from scratch. Alternatively, the existing Bitcoin blockchain might be 'forked'. The most popular way is to create fresh tokens from scratch. This method entails 'copying and pasting' existing code into a new token, which is then changed and launched. The network must be built from the ground up, and individuals must be persuaded to utilize the new coin. Litecoin, which began as a clone of bitcoin, is an example of this strategy. People were persuaded by the creators' adjustments to the code, and it has now become a popular cryptocurrency.

There are two types of forks: hard and soft forks.

A hard fork is the process of creating bitcoin cash from bitcoin. A hard fork is a significant modification to the software that forces all users to upgrade to the most recent version. Nodes that are still running the prior version of the program will not be accepted in the new one. A hard fork is a permanent break from the previous blockchain version. If the new version does not receive unanimous approval, two blockchains could use a variant of the same software.

A soft fork, on the other hand, is backwards compatible. The improved blockchain is in charge of transaction validation. Nodes that aren't modified, on the other hand, will regard the new blocks as valid. This only works in one direction; nodes that haven't been updated will be ignored by the upgraded blockchain. The majority of miners must update in order for a soft fork to work. The network will be more secure after the fork if more miners accept the new regulations. Soft forks have been employed on the blockchains of bitcoin and ethereum, among others. They're commonly employed to carry out software upgrades (such as BIP 66 in the case of bitcoin).

Provjerite ostale razine

Koristimo kolačiće za pohranu, pristup i obradu osobnih podataka kako bismo vam pružili najbolje online iskustvo. Klikom na Prihvati kolačiće pristajete na pohranu svih kolačića i osiguravate najbolje moguće djelovanje internetske stranice. Možete promijeniti postavke kolačića ili povući privolu klikom na Postavke kolačića. Da biste saznali više o kolačićima i svrhama, pročitajte Politika kolačića and Politika privatnosti

Postavke kolačića

Kontrola kolačića

Što su kolačići?

Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje omogućuju nama i našoj usluzi jedinstvenu identifikaciju vašeg preglednika ili uređaja. Kolačići obično rade tako da vašem uređaju dodijele jedinstveni broj i na vašem ih pregledniku pohranjuju internetske stranice koje posjećujete, kao i treći pružatelji usluga za te internetske stranice. Pod pojmom kolačići treba uzeti u obzir druge tehnologije kao što su SDK-ovi, pikseli i lokalno pohranjivanje.

Ako je omogućeno

Možemo vas prepoznati kao klijenta što omogućava prilagođene usluge, sadržaj i oglašavanje, učinkovitost usluga i prepoznavanje uređaja za veću sigurnost
Možemo poboljšati vaše iskustvo na temelju vaše prethodne sesije
Možemo pratiti vaše preferencije i personalizirati usluge
Možemo poboljšati performanse internetske stranice.

Ako je onemogućeno

Nećemo moći zapamtiti vaše prethodne sesije, što će nam onemogućiti da internetsku stranicu prilagodimo vašim željama
Neke značajke možda neće biti dostupne i korisničko iskustvo bez kolačića će biti lošije

Strogo nužno znači da se osnovne funkcije internetske stranice neće aktivirati bez njihove upotrebe. Budući da su ovi kolačići ključni za pravilan rad i sigurnost usluga internetskog mjesta, ne možete odustati od korištenja ovih tehnologija. I dalje ih možete blokirati u svom pregledniku, ali to može uzrokovati greške u djelovanju osnovnih funkcija internetske stranice.

  • Postavljanje zaštite privatnosti
  • Sigurna prijava
  • Sigurna veza tijekom korištenja usluga
  • Ispunjavanje obrazaca

Analitika i tehnologije praćenja performansi za analizu načina na koji koristite internetsku stranicu.

  • Najgledanije stranice
  • Interakcija sa sadržajem
  • Analiza grešaka
  • Ispitivanje i mjerenje različitih učinkovitosti dizajna

Internetska stranica može koristiti tehnologije trećih strana za oglašavanje i marketing.

  • Promoviranje naših usluga na drugim platformama i internetskim stranicama
  • Mjerenje učinkovitosti naših kampanja